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New research finds that Cloud and Data Centres in the Asia Pacific region are among the fastest growing in the world

Published: Thu 10 September 2020

Datacentrepricing’s new report called The Cloud and Data Centres Markets in the Asia Pacific reveals that DC providers are amongst the fastest growing in the world.  In China, 21vianet Group and GDS Holdings have reported annual revenue growth rates of 25 per cent and 39 per cent for the year to Q1 2020.

The new report assesses the market landscape for data centres and cloud services in Asia Pacific across eleven countries namely including Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand & Vietnam).

The average population per head in the Asia Pacific Region is 522 per m2 of Data Centre space, with Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore, having notably more Data Centre space per head of population than the rest of Asia.

China remains the second largest data Centre market in the world and is the largest one in the Asia Pacific region accounting for 43 per cent of Data Centre space in the region (forecast as of the beginning of 2021) - with 1.7 million m2 of Data Centre space forecast.  Followed by Australia and Japan each 11 per cent and in fourth place Singapore with also a double figure digit of 10 per cent. Smaller Data Centre markets are poised for further growth - with South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam forecast to have the highest increase.


A pie chart showing the forecast breakdown of Data Centre raised floor space in m2 by the 11 Country Markets as a percentage as of the beginning of 2021



The Asia Pacific region is receiving more inward Data Centre investment with both Digital Realty and Equinix having made large investments in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore, with both companies in the process of opening a Data Centre facility in the capital of South Korea.

Datacentrepricing provides forecasts of capacity and available power and cloud revenue through to the end of 2025. Cloud revenue in the region is set in increase by four times more than Data Centre revenue over the four-year period to the beginning of 2025, with Cloud revenue increasing by 87 per cent and Data Centre revenue by 22 per cent.




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About the report: - The Cloud and Data Centre Markets in the Asia Pacific Region covering 11 markets (Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam) in the Asia-Pacific region assesses the following:

A Survey of international sub-sea fibre connectivity, domestic fibre connectivity including Dark Fibre connectivity and power availability

A Survey of Cloud Services  

A Survey of Data Centres

Profiles of the key Cloud and Data Centre Providers

Plus forecasts for the public cloud markets across the eleven countries (by annual revenues in millions of USD from the beginning of 2021 to the beginning of 2025), and for Data Centre markets across the eleven countries (using the metrics of annual revenues, Data Centre raised floor space and Data Centre Customer Power (DCCP) from the beginning of 2021 to the beginning of 2025). Finally, DCP identifies the key trends and the key conclusions to the report.   



About TCL (Tariff Consultancy Ltd): TCL is a specialist international telecoms research and consultancy firm, which provides a series of Telecoms Tariff Tracker Services for mobile, fixed line and Data Centre Pricing. TCL has launched a dedicated web portal for its international Data Centre Pricing practice at: and has created a unique database of worldwide pricing and capacity with 3,638 facilities from 1,553 Data Centre Providers in over 80 countries globally.

Further information on TCL can be found on the Telecom Pricing website at:      


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